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tamoadmin 2024-05-28






Football is a team-work sport.(足球是一项团队运动。)

Football is one of the favourite sports in the u.s.a.(足球是美国最受喜爱的运动之一。)

The world cup is a football feast.(世界杯是一场足球的盛宴。)

Every weekend, our school will organize a football game.(每周末我们学校都会组织足球比赛。)

In Europe, there are many well-known football club.(在欧洲,有许多知名的足球俱乐部。)

Beckham is a famous British soccer star.(贝克汉姆是英国著名的足球明星。)

Football has a long history in china。(足球在中国有着很悠久的历史。)

It seems to me that the secret of winning in football is teamwork.(我看打赢足球的秘诀在于团队合作。)



It was through the hobby of juggling a soccer ball that Freestyle Soccer evolved.


When using imagination, balance, and agility, athletic moves (tricks) were created while keeping control of the ball.


Performing freestyle soccer allowed athletes to be focused on every movement, maneuvering the

ball and their body as if it were one.


Once you develop the rhythm of this challenging yet motivating sport, your concentration and focus allows you to find the ultimate ball control, we call this “in the zone”!

一旦你掌握了这个充满挑战性和令人鼓舞的运动,你的注意力和集中力将使你能够最好地控制足球,我们把这个叫做“ 点来了”


The game of football is any of several similar team sports, of similar origins which involve advancing a ball into a goal area in an attempt to score. Many of these involve kicking a ball with the foot to score a goal, though not all codes of football using kicking as a primary means of advancing the ball or scoring. The most popular of these sports worldwide is association football, more commonly known as just "football" or "soccer". Unqualified, the word football applies to whichever form of football is the most popular in the regional context in which the word appears, including American football, Australian rules football, Canadian football, Gaelic football, rugby league, rugby union and other related games. These variations are known as "codes".


Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players, and is widely considered to be the most popular sport in the world.[1][2][3][4] It is a football variant played on a rectangular grass or artificial turf field, with a goal at each of the short ends. The object of the game is to score by manoeuvring the ball into the opposing goal. In general play, the goalkeepers are the only players allowed to use their hands or arms to propel the ball; the rest of the team usually use their feet to kick the ball into position, occasionally using their torso or head to intercept a ball in midair. The team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins. If the score is tied at the end of the game, either a draw is declared or the game goes into extra time and/or a penalty shootout, depending on the format of the competition.

The modern game was codified in England following the formation of The Football Association, whose 1863 Laws of the Game created the foundations for the way the sport is played today. Football is governed internationally by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (International Federation of Association Football), commonly known by the acronym FIFA. The most prestigious international football competition is the FIFA World Cup, held every four years. This event, the most widely viewed in the world, boasts an audience twice that of the Summer Olympic Games.


Although it may be impossible to accurately state when and where the game of soccer originated, history has shown us glimpses of a game similar to our present day version being played for over 3000 years.

Around the 2nd or 3rd Century BC, it was documented that the Chinese military during the Han Dynasty played a game involving kicking a ball into a small net.

A game similar to soccer was played by the ancient Greeks and Romans but their game could include up to 27 players on a side compared to the modern day game of 11 players to a side.

Soccer became one of the most popular sports of the masses due to its popularity as a war game. A game of "football" which the British called it, was played in the east of England during the 8th Century where the head of a defeated Danish Prince was used as the ball.

During medieval times, villages and towns were pitted against each other in game battles that could take all day. There were no structured rules to abide by and kicking, biting, gouging and punching turned the game into a virtual battle of survival. These matches became so violent that the English authorities made many attempts to have soccer banned.

King Edward III from England passed laws in 1331 to abolish the game and Queen Elizabeth I had a law passed that provided a one week jail sentence for anyone caught playing soccer.

Despite these efforts, the game of soccer became so popular in England over the next few centuries that it evolved as the most popular sport of its time.

At this point, the only shortcoming of the sport was its lack of rules or standards. In 1815, Eton College, a famous English school, established a set of rules to be implemented by other schools, colleges and universities.

A standardized version of these rules were later adopted in 1848 by most of England's colleges and universities that were known as the Cambridge Rules.

Unfortunately, at this point, there were still two different sets of rules being used. Some colleges favored the Rugby Rules which allowed carrying the ball with your hands, tripping and kicking to the shins. which were contrary to the Cambridge Rules.

In 1863, The Football Association was created by eleven English soccer clubs and schools to establish a single set of rules to be enforced when they played against each other.

The supporters of the Rugby School rules objected to the changes and the two groups split apart. The Football Association later changed the rules in 1869 where they forbade the use of hands, except by the goalie, which led us to the game of soccer as we know it today.

The English still called it a game of "football" because the ball was played primarily with the feet but in the late 18th Century, the word, "soccer", was first used by a student of Oxford University by the name of Charles Wreford Brown. The students at Oxford were known for using slang where they added "er" to the end of words that they intentionally shortened. The game of Rugby was called "rugger". Brown shortened the word "association" and added "er" and the term "soccer" was born.

Since the 19th Century the game has evolved to where it is today. It is the World's Game that is played by more people than any other sport and is universally recognized as the most popular game in sports history.

The World Cup which is held every four years to crown a World Champion draws millions of spectators to the 32 games played and is watched by billions of fans from around the globe thanks to modern day satellite television technology.

The popularity of soccer continues to grow as organized youth soccer programs are getting a young fan base involved at an early age which will fuel its growth for years to come.

Football in France

Football is the most popular sport in France . 该联合会法语足球是国家管理机构和负责的专业和业余监督所有足球方面的游戏在国内,无论是。 The Fédération Fran?aise de Football is the national governing body and is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the game of football in the country, both professional and amateur. 该联合会举办的法国跑车 ,是负责任命管理的男子 , 妇女和青年队在法国国家足球队。 The federation organizes the Coupe de France and is responsible for appointing the management of the men's , women's and youth national football teams in France. 该联合会给出了责任法甲联赛和法甲2到法甲足球Professionnel谁负责,组织和管理国家的联赛的前两名。 The federation gives responsibility of Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 to the Ligue de Football Professionnel who oversee, organize, and manage the country's top two leagues. 在磷酸锂铁也是负责组织跑车德拉法甲 ,该国的联赛杯比赛。 The LFP is also responsible for organizing the Coupe de la Ligue , the country's league cup competition. 法国足协也负责监督海外省和海外领地和主机足球俱乐部联赛的AS摩纳哥 ,是俱乐部从主权独立的国家摩纳哥 。 The French Football Federation also supervises the overseas departments and territories leagues and hosts football club AS Monaco , a club from the independent sovereign state of Monaco . 2006年,足协已经2143688许可证,超过1850836登记注册的俱乐部球员和18194。 [1] In 2006, the FFF had 2,143,688 licenses, with over 1,850,836 registered players and 18,194 registered clubs. [ 1 ]

第一个足球俱乐部被介绍给法国在1863年由英国的移民报纸文章中所描述的苏格兰人 ,其中指出:“数字生活在巴黎的英国绅士,最近举办了一个足球俱乐部...足球比赛中需要的地方布洛涅,由当局许可的和惊奇的法国惊人。“ [2]现代足球是由英国水兵于1872年在九个发挥晚年勒阿弗尔于1872年。 [3] The first football club was introduced to France in 1863 by British immigrants as described in a newspaper article by The Scotsman , which stated "A number of English gentlemen living in Paris have lately organised a football club... The football contests take place in the Bois de Boulogne, by permission of the authorities and surprise the French amazingly." [ 2 ] Modern football was introduced nine years later in 1872 by English sailors playing in Le Havre in 1872.