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tamoadmin 2024-07-19







要是楼主想吧所有球员都记下来那太难了~并且给你一个队员名单,有些角色球员其实是不用知道的~所以我下面贴个名单出来会把各队球员分几个类 S是巨星级别的~一定要知道~ A是大牌~也一般球迷都知道的 B是认识就行了 C就是小球员了~有些我也不认识~不完全按实力~名气也是因素~那么开始了~球员名字前面有他们的号码和我的评级~只带便个人观点~各位看官不满意的不要骂


B1柴德里斯 A2乔-约翰逊 C4埃西 B5约什-史密斯 C6马里奥-韦斯特 A10麦克-毕比 B12克拉克斯顿 A15霍福德 B20萨里姆-斯塔德迈尔 C24马文-威廉姆斯 B27帕楚里亚 C32杰里米-理查德森 C44号所罗门-琼斯Jones


C0莱昂-波维 S5凯文-加内特 C9号隆多 B11号格伦-戴维斯 C13普鲁特 S20雷-阿伦 A28卡塞尔 S34皮尔斯 B41波西 C42托尼阿伦 C43肯德里克-帕金斯 C44号斯卡拉布莱恩 B50埃迪-豪斯 B66波拉德 B93P.J.-布朗


B1德里克-安德森 A3杰拉德-华莱士 C4达德利 C6莫罕默德 B11博伊金斯 C13卡洛尔 C15霍林斯 C20费尔顿 B23贾森-理查德森 A24哈灵顿 C33杰马里奥-戴维森 B35莫里森 C42肖恩-梅 A50奥卡福


C2索夫洛萨 B5诺西奥尼 C6香农-布朗 A7本-戈登 A9罗尔-邓 A12辛里奇 B13诺亚 B15西蒙斯 B20库里 B21杜洪 B24泰勒斯-托马斯 A32拉里-休斯 C34阿隆-格雷 C35号尼科尔斯 B90古登


B1吉布森 C3帕夫洛维奇 S4本-华莱士 A10斯泽比亚克 A11伊尔高斯卡斯 C12比利-托马斯 C13号韦斯特 B17瓦莱乔 B19达蒙-琼斯 B20斯诺 S23勒布朗-詹姆斯 C27德怀恩-琼斯 B32乔-史密斯 B33德文-布朗


S2贾森-基德 A5约什-霍华德 B6埃迪-琼斯 C10泰龙-卢 C11巴瑞尔 A20马格洛伊尔 C21安托万-赖特 A25丹皮尔 C30马里克-阿伦 A31贾森-特里 C32巴斯 C40德文-乔治 S41诺维茨基 A42斯塔克豪斯 B55朱万-霍华德


C0格林 B1J.R.-史密斯 S3艾弗森 A4马丁 C5迪亚瓦拉 B12阿特金斯 S15安东尼 B21纳胡拉 A23坎比 B25安东尼-卡特 B31内内 C42琼斯 C43克雷扎 B45史蒂芬-亨特


S1比卢普斯 C3斯塔基 C5赫尔曼 C8迪克森 B9海耶斯 B10亨特 A22普林斯 A24麦克戴斯 C25阿米尔-约翰逊 B28阿弗拉罗 A32汉密尔顿 C35桑布 S36拉希德-华莱士 A42拉特里夫 C54贾森-马克希尔


B1斯蒂芬-杰克逊 B2皮特鲁斯 B3阿尔-哈灵顿 S5拜伦-戴维斯 B7阿祖布克 C8埃利斯 B15比德林斯 C18比林内里 C19佩洛维奇 C22巴尼斯 C23沃特森 C26奥布莱恩特 B32布兰顿-赖特 B44克罗希尔


C0布鲁克斯 S1麦克格雷迪 B2海德 A3弗朗西斯 A4斯科拉 B8鲍比-杰克逊 S11姚明 A12阿尔斯通 B14兰德里 C19麦克-哈里斯 C20诺瓦克 A31巴蒂尔 C33洛伦-伍兹 B44海耶斯 A55穆托姆博


C1迪奥古 C3穆菲 C4肖恩-威廉姆斯 B6丹尼尔斯 S7杰梅因-奥尼尔B10福斯特 B11汀斯利 C12迪安纳 C13大卫-哈里森 B17邓利维 C20欧文斯 C21卡里姆-拉什 B22穆雷 C23格拉汉姆 C33格兰格


B1帕克 B2蒂姆-托马斯 B5莫布里 B10迪考 C12桑顿 C13罗斯 B14利文斯顿 C20法泽卡斯 C21鲍威尔 B22奈特 C33马库斯-威廉姆斯 B35卡曼 B40保罗-戴维斯 S42布兰德 B50马盖蒂


A2费舍尔 B3阿里扎 B4沃顿 B5法玛尔 A7奥多姆 B10拉德曼诺维奇 C11卡尔 C14纽贝 S16加索尔 B17拜纳姆 C18武贾西奇 B21图里亚夫 S24科比 C28姆邦加 B31米姆


C1劳里 A2纳瓦罗 C3克里滕顿 C11麦克 C21瓦里克 A22鲁迪-盖伊 B23雅各布森 B31米利西奇 B33麦克-米勒 B34科林斯 C35卡迪纳尔 C44安德烈-布朗 B54夸梅-布朗


C1赖特 S3韦德 C5班克斯 C6布雷克 S7马里昂 C11奎因 C12鲍威尔 C13约翰逊 C14库克 B15布朗特 C30巴隆 B31里奇-戴维斯 A33莫宁 B40哈斯勒姆 C45拉斯米 C50乔尔-安东尼 C55贾森-威廉姆斯


A6博格特 C7塞西昂斯 A9易建联 C12艾维 C20斯托里 B21西蒙斯 A22里德 B24德斯蒙德-梅森 B25莫-威廉姆斯 B31维兰纽瓦 C42贝尔 B43沃斯库尔 B50加德祖里奇 C51鲁芬


C1麦坎茨 C3特尔法尔 C4弗耶 C5史密斯 B7巴克纳 C8戈麦斯 C22布鲁尔 A24沃克 B25阿尔-杰弗森 B30斯奈德 C32理查德 B35马德森 B51多列亚克 B55贾里奇


B1马库斯-威廉姆斯 C2博内 B6斯威夫特 B7纳克巴 B10阿姆斯特朗 B12克尔斯蒂奇 C13埃格 C14迪奥普 S15文斯-卡特 C22凯斯 A24杰弗森 A34德文-哈里斯 B44哈塞尔 C51肖恩-威廉姆斯


C1克里斯 B2帕戈 S3保罗 C5詹姆斯 B6钱德勒 C9佩特森 B12阿姆斯特朗 A16斯托贾科维奇 A24邦奇-维尔斯 B30大卫-韦斯 C32号赖特 C33伊莱 B40鲍恩 B45拉苏-巴特勒


C2弗雷德-琼斯 A3马布里 B4内特-罗宾逊 B5号莫里斯 B11克劳福德 B13杰罗姆-詹姆斯 C20杰弗里斯 B21钱德勒 A23昆廷-理查德森 C25科林斯 B31罗斯 C32巴克曼 B34库里 B42大卫-李 A50兰多夫


B1埃文斯 C4巴蒂 B5杜林 B7J.J.-雷迪克 C8加里蒂 A9刘易斯 C10博甘斯 S12德怀特-霍华德 C13戈塔特 C14尼尔森 B15特克格鲁 B30阿罗约 B31福伊尔 C34库克 C40奥古斯汀


B1达勒姆波特 B7安德烈-米勒 B9伊古欧达拉 C12奥利 C14森-史密斯 C20阿曼德森 C21萨德乌斯-杨 C23路易斯-威廉姆斯 C25康尼 B42兰多夫 C52布斯


S1斯塔德迈尔 C2吉里塞克 B3迪奥 C4号克斯 C8斯托贝里B10巴博萨 S13纳什 B19拉加-贝尔 C29图克尔 S32奥尼尔 A33格兰特-希尔 C44约翰逊 B52皮亚考斯基 B54斯金纳


C1杰克 C2布雷克 C4麦克罗伯茨 B7罗伊 C8韦伯斯特 B9拉弗伦茨 B10普尔兹比拉 C11罗德里格斯 B12阿尔德里奇 C24瓦佛尔 C25奥特 C33琼斯 C44弗雷 A52奥登


A3拉希姆 C5安东尼-约翰逊 C8杜比 B9肯尼-托马斯 C15萨尔蒙斯 B19尤德里 C22威廉姆斯 B23凯文-马丁 C31霍伊斯 C32加西亚 C33莫尔 C42赖特 A52布拉德-米勒 A93阿泰斯特


B3斯塔德迈尔 A4芬利 B5乌多卡 B7法布里希奥-奥博托 C8德马尔-约翰逊 S9帕克 B11沃恩 A12鲍恩 C15邦纳 B17巴里 S20吉诺比利 S21邓肯 A25霍里 C28马辛米 B40托马斯


C4科里森 B8里德诺 B12杜普里 C15杰拉贝尔 C16埃尔森 C18塞内 C21威尔金斯 C25沃特森 C27佩特洛 B31斯威夫特 A35杜兰特 B42马绍尔 B44格里芬 B54威尔考克斯


B1布雷泽克 S4波什 B7巴格纳尼 B8卡尔德隆 C9巴斯顿 A11T.J.福特 B12内斯特洛维奇 C14格拉汉姆 C15加巴约萨 B18帕克 B20德尔菲诺 B24卡波诺 B33穆恩 C43汉弗里斯


B3哈特 A5布泽尔 S8狄龙-威廉姆斯 C9布鲁尔 A13奥库 B15哈普灵 C17普莱斯 C22阿蒙德 C24米尔萨普 B26科沃尔 B31科林斯 C34迈尔斯 C44费森科 S47基里连科


A0阿里纳斯 C1尼克-杨 C2史蒂文森 A3卡隆-巴特勒 A4贾米森 C5迈古耶里 B6丹尼尔斯 B8梅森 B9松盖拉 C14佩切洛夫 C32布拉切 B33海伍德 B36伊坦-托马斯



Named All-NBA Second Team and to The Sporting News All-Star Second Team … in his fifth season with Houston, eraged a team-high 25.0 points (career high), 9.4 rebounds and 1.96 blocks in 48 games (48 starts) … led the Rockets and ranked 15th in the NBA in free throw percentage (.862, 356-413) … had a career-best 16 30-point outings and posted 20 double-doubles … had four games with at least 35 points and 15 or more rebounds … named Western Conference Player of the Month for games played through Nov., marking the first time in his career to receive this honor and becoming the first Rockets player to receive this recognition since Hakeem Olajuwon (Feb. 1995) … twice named Western Conference Player of the Week (games played Nov. 6-12 and Mar. 26-Apr. 1) … named as a starter to the 2007 NBA All-Star Game (DNP-injured), finishing second among all players in votes received (2,451,718) … moved past Kevin Kunnert (2,891) and Rodney McCray (2,718) into eighth place in Rockets history for total rebounds … recorded 36 points (12-12 FT) vs. Dallas (11/4/06) … posted 35 points (15-21 FG), 17 rebounds and seven blocks vs. New York (11/10/06) … notched 34 points and 14 rebounds at Miami (11/12/06) … led the Rockets in points (33, 17-20 FT), rebounds (16) and assists (4) at Detroit (11/18/06) … had a streak of 11 straight games of 20-plus point performances (11/7/06-11/28/06) … notched four blocks vs. Cleveland (12/2/06) to move past Ralph Sampson (585) into third on Houston’s all-time blocked shots list … recorded 38 points, 11 rebounds and six blocks at Washington (12/9/06) … posted 23 of his 38 points in the fourth quarter at Washington (12/9/06), which set his career high for quarter points and ranked as the second best 12-minute total in Rockets history … had 38 points (15-32 FG) and a season-high 18 boards at Golden State (12/14/06) … registered 35 points (15-35 FG, career high in attempts), 15 rebounds, four assists and a career-high eight blocks in 48:46 of action at the L.A. Lakers (12/15/06) … recorded 32 points, 10 rebounds and a season-high five assists at the L.A. Clippers (12/17/06) … posted 34 points and five blocks at Portland (12/20/06), marking first time in his career to record four consecutive 30-point performances … suffered small fracture on his right anterior medial tibial plateau (right leg) in the first quarter vs. the Clippers (12/23/06) … on the inactive list for 32 games (12/26/06-3/3/07) with the fracture … had 37 points (14-22 FG) and four blocked shots vs. Orlando (3/11/07) … posted 32 points and 14 rebounds vs. Indiana (3/20/07) … registered a season-high 39 points (17-21 FT, career high in FTA), 11 rebounds and four blocks at the L.A. Lakers (3/30/07) … notched 35 points, 16 boards and four blocks vs. Utah (4/1/07) … again on inactive list for one game (4/6/07) with a sore lower back … scored 31 points (11-11 FT) at Seattle (4/9/07) and added 34 points (14-20 FG) vs. Phoenix (4/16/07) … was a DNP (rest) at Utah (4/18/07).

In the NBA

Holds career erages of 18.5 points, 8.9 rebounds and 1.87 blocks in 349 games (339 starts) with Houston … has compiled 138 career double-doubles … ranks third in Rockets history in career blocked shots (651) and eighth in total rebounds (3,112) … has been selected as a starter to five NBA All-Star Games (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007), eraging 8.5 points on .552 shooting in four games (DNP-injured in 2007) … joined Olajuwon as the only players in Rockets history to be named a starter to at least five All-Star Games … earned All-NBA Second Team once (2007) and All-NBA Third Team twice (2004, 2006) … named Western Conference Player of the Month one time (Nov. 2006) … named Western Conference Player of the Week five times in his career (week ending: 3/7/04, 2/26/06, 4/2/06, 11/12/06, 4/1/07) … voted to The Sporting News All-Star Second Team (2007) and The Sporting News Rookie of the Year by NBA executives (2003) … member of the NBA All-Rookie First Team (2003) … twice honored with Western Conference Rookie of the Month … selected as a divisional winner for the 2005-06 NBA Sportsmanship Award … stands as the first number-one overall pick to come from an international basketball league, and the fifth number-one overall pick in Rockets history. 2005-2006: Named All-NBA Third Team after eraging 22.3 points, 10.2 rebounds (career high) and 1.65 blocks in 57 starts … was twice named Western Conference Player of the Week (games played Feb. 21-26 and Mar. 27-Apr. 2) … was one of only four players in the NBA to erage at least 20 points and 10 rebounds, becoming the first Houston player to accomplish that feat since Olajuwon in 1995-96 (26.9 points, 10.9 rebounds) … led the Rockets with a career-best 34 double-doubles and 39 20-point games, including a career-high 10 30-point performances … scored 30 or more points in five of six games (3/5/06-3/15/06) … stood as the top scoring center in the NBA, finishing ahead of Miami’s Shaquille O’Neal (20.0) … led the Rockets in rebounds per game, blocked shots and free throw percentage (.853, 337-395 FT) … among NBA leaders, ranked T-11th in double-doubles, 13th in field goal percentage (.519, 467-900 FG) and 14th in free throw percentage … had a season-high seven blocked shots vs. N.O./Okla. City (11/5/05) … underwent successful surgery on Dec. 19 to clean out an infection in his left big toe for a condition known as osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone caused by bacteria) … returned to action at Memphis (1/30/06) after missing 21 games (12/18/05-1/29/06) … led all players in votes received for a second straight season (2,342,738) to make his fourth consecutive start for the Western Conference in the All-Star Game, registering five points and two boards in 19:14 of action for the West in the 2006 NBA All-Star Game (2/19/06) … recorded the third “20-20” game of his career with 22 points and a season-high 21 rebounds vs. Golden State (2/24/06), while setting a career high in defensive boards with 17 … registered 27 points, 18 rebounds and a season-high five assists vs. Phoenix (2/27/06) … matched his career high with five straight double-doubles (5 straight: 12/3/02-12/13/02; 2/22/06-3/1/06) … recorded 32 points and 13 rebounds vs. Portland (3/5/06), which he followed with 30 points and 13 boards at Minnesota (3/7/06) to become the first Rockets player to post back-to-back 30-point/13-rebound games since Olajuwon (12/19/95-12/21/95) … also marked first time in his career to record 30-point performances in consecutive games … notched a season-high 38 points, 10 rebounds and five blocks vs. Indiana (3/8/06) for his third straight 30-point/10-rebound effort … scored 36 points vs. New Jersey (3/13/06), including his career high in free throws made (18-20 FT) … recorded 20 or more points in 14 consecutive games (2/22/06-3/20/06), which ranks as the longest such streak of his career … added a season-high-tying five assists vs. Seattle (3/29/06) … matched his season high with 38 points (15-25 FG) vs. Washington (3/31/06) … recorded 33 points on a career-high 16 field goals (16-25 FG) at the L.A. Lakers (4/2/06) … for the third time in 2005-06 and the seventh time in his career, had a double-double by halftime with 20 points and 10 rebounds by the break at the L.A. Lakers (4/2/06) … left game at Utah (4/10/06) at the 3:51 mark of the first quarter with a broken fifth metatarsal bone in his left foot … underwent successful surgery on Apr. 14 to repair the break … missed the final four games of the season (4/12/06-4/19/06) with the injury. 2004-2005: Averaged 18.3 points (on a career-high .552 shooting) with 8.4 rebounds and a career-high 2.00 blocks in 80 starts … led the Rockets in field goal percentage, rebounds and blocked shots, while ranking second on the team in scoring erage … stood with Elton Brand and Shaquille O’Neal as the only NBA players to erage 18 points, 8.0 rebounds and 2.00 blocks … among NBA leaders, ranked third in field goal percentage, 11th in blocked shots per game and 20th in rebounding erage … topped the Rockets with 24 double-doubles … scored in double figures 71 times, reaching 20 points 39 times and 30 points four times … scored a season-high 40 points vs. Toronto (12/20/04) … recorded his second career “20-20” game with 27 points and a career-high 22 rebounds at Phoenix (3/11/05) … registered a season-high five blocks vs. Atlanta (12/15/04), at Phoenix (3/11/05) and vs. Denver (4/16/05) … broke Michael Jordan’s record for All-Star votes received, as he scored 11 points with eight rebounds in the 2005 NBA All-Star Game (2/20/05). 2003-2004: Earned Third-Team All-NBA recognition after leading the Rockets with 17.5 points, 9.0 rebounds and 1.90 blocks in 82 starts … stood as one of six NBA players to lead his team in points, rebounds and blocks … among NBA leaders, ranked seventh in field goal percentage (.522), 13th in blocked shots per game and 15th in rebounding erage … ranked 15th in the NBA with 33 double-doubles … blocked a season-high seven shots vs. Miami (11/11/03) … registered his first career “20-20” game with 22 points and 20 rebounds vs. Detroit (12/6/03) … scored a career-high 41 points with 16 rebounds and a career-high seven assists vs. Atlanta (2/22/04) … named Western Conference Player of the Week on Mar. 8. 2002-2003: Earned unanimous NBA All-Rookie First Team after eraging 13.5 points, 8.2 rebounds and 1.74 blocks in 82 games (72 starts) … voted The Sporting News Rookie of the Year by NBA executives … led Houston in rebounds per game and blocks per game, standing as the only rookie to lead his team in both categories … stood as the only rookie to rank in the NBA’s Top-20 in three statistical categories, ranking 15th in field goal percentage, 15th in blocked shots per game and 18th in rebounds erage … led all rookies with a team-high 27 double-doubles … among NBA rookies, ranked second in scoring erage, second in rebounding erage, first in blocks per game and third in field goal percentage … scored a rookie-season-high 30 points with 16 rebounds at Dallas (11/21/02) … set a rookie season high with 19 rebounds at Sacramento (3/23/03) … named the Western Conference Rookie of the Month for Dec. and Feb.

In the Playoffs

Has eraged 21.1 points, 8.6 rebounds and 1.63 blocks in 19 postseason contests (19 starts) with Houston. 2007: In his third postseason with the Rockets, eraged 25.1 points, 10.3 rebounds and 0.71 blocks in seven playoff games (seven starts) … finished with a game-high 28 points and 13 rebounds in Game One vs. Utah (4/21/07) … recorded 26 points and 14 boards in Game Three at Utah (4/26/07), while setting a postseason career high in free throws made (14-16 FT) … notched 21 points and a career-playoff-best 15 boards in Game Five vs. Utah (4/30/07) … scored 29 points in Game Seven vs. Utah (5/5/07). 2005: Averaged 21.4 points in seven starts, including three 30-point games … scored a playoff-career-high 33 points at Dallas (4/25/05) and again in Game Seven (5/7/05) … added 30 points at Dallas (5/2/05). 2004: Ranked second on the Rockets with 15.0 points per game … scored 21 points at the Lakers (4/19/04).

In International Play

Has played for the Chinese National Team during each of the five summers since being drafted into the NBA … eraged 23.4 points and 15.4 rebounds in five seasons with the Shanghai Sharks of the Chinese Basketball Association prior to playing in the NBA. 2007: Participated with the Chinese National Team in its continued preparation for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. 2006: Led all scorers in the 2006 FIBA World Championships, eraging 25.3 points per game and 9.0 rebounds for China. 2005: Collected 24 points, 14 rebounds and seven blocks to power China to its fourth consecutive Asian Championship. 2004: Averaged 20.7 points and a tournament-leading 9.3 rebounds in the 2004 Summer Olympics. 2002-2003: Averaged 22.6 points and 13.1 rebounds in the Asian Basketball Championship. 2001-2002: Averaged 21.0 points and 9.3 rebounds in the 2002 FIBA World Championship Games … in his final CBA season, eraged 32.6 points, 19.0 rebounds and 4.8 blocked shots and led the Sharks to their first CBA Championship. 2000-2001: Averaged 10.5 points and 6.0 rebounds in the 2000 Summer Olympics … eraged 27.1 points, 19.4 rebounds and 5.5 blocked shots with Shanghai to earn CBA MVP honors. 1999-2000: Averaged 21.3 points with Shanghai. 1998-1999: Averaged 20.9 points with the Sharks. 19-1998: Averaged 10.2 points as a CBA rookie.

In Transactions

Drafted by Houston in the first round (first overall) of the 2002 NBA Draft … signed with Houston on Oct. 21, 2002 … signed a multi-year contract extension on Sept. 1, 2005.



2015卡尔 安东尼-唐斯(Karl-Anthony Towns) 明尼苏达森林狼 肯塔基大学

NBA状元(The National Basketball Association's first overall pick)是历届NBA选秀大会的首轮第一顺位球员。由上一年次NBA常规赛中未进入季后赛的较差战绩球队参加NBA,由一支球队抽得下赛季的第一选秀权,被这支球队选中的球员就是NBA状元,被选中的选秀状元通常都是球队,全球媒体和球迷的焦点人物。





































由于年代太久远,NBA之前还有ABA联盟的存在,所以我们在这里只统计部分年限的状元名单。1996年状元阿伦·艾弗森(Allen Iverson)费城76人、

19状元蒂姆·邓肯(Tim Duncan)圣安东尼奥马刺、1998状元迈克尔·奥洛沃坎迪(Michael Olowokandi)洛杉矶快船、1999状元埃尔顿·布兰德(Elton Brand)芝加哥公牛、2000状元肯扬·马丁(Kenyon Martin)新泽西篮网、2001状元夸梅·布朗(Kwame Brown)华盛顿奇才、2002状元姚明(Yao Ming)休斯敦火箭、2003状元勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James)克利夫兰骑士、

2004状元德怀特·霍华德(Dwight Howard)奥兰多魔术队、2005状元安德鲁·博格特(Andrew Bogut)密尔沃基雄鹿、2006状元安德烈·巴格纳尼(Bargnani,Andrea)多伦多猛龙、2007状元格雷格·奥登( Greg Oden)波特兰开拓者、2008状元德里克·罗斯(Derrick Rose)芝加哥公牛、2009状元布莱克·格里芬(Blake Griffin)洛杉矶快船、2010状元约翰·沃尔(John Wall)华盛顿奇才、2011状元凯里·欧文(Kyrie Irving)克利夫兰骑士、2012状元安东尼·戴维斯(Anthony Dis)新奥尔良鹈鹕、2013 状元安东尼·本内特(Anthony Bennett)克利夫兰骑士、2014 状元安德鲁·威金斯(Andrew Christian Wiggins)克利夫兰骑士、2015状元卡尔 安东尼-唐斯(Karl-Anthony Towns) ?明尼苏达森林狼、2016 状元本·西蒙斯(Ben Simmons) 费城76人、2017年状元福尔茨 费城76人。

1982年,埃里克-弗洛伊德在第一轮第13顺位被新泽西篮网队(New Jersey Nets)选中后,新秀赛季表现一般,随后便在这一赛季中期和米奇-约翰逊(Mickey Johnson)一同被交易至金州勇士队(Golden State Warriors),以换取迈克尔-雷-理查德森(Micheal Ray Richardson)。在勇士队期间,弗洛伊德迅速成长。在得到特权的第一个完整赛季,他场均拿下16.5分。-1985赛季,他场均得到职业生涯最高的19.5分。两个赛季后,他场均拿下18.8分及10.3次助攻,并在1987年全明星队占据一席之地。

1987年12月12日,弗洛伊德与巴里-卡罗尔(Barry Carroll)被勇士队交易给休斯顿火箭队(Houston Rockets),换来拉尔夫-桑普森(Ralph Sampson)和史蒂夫-哈里斯(Steve Harris)。弗洛伊德在火箭队打了5个半赛季,于1993年8月2日被火箭队裁退。随后,1993年10月13日,弗洛伊德以自由球员身份加盟圣安东尼奥马刺队(San Antonio Spurs)。一个赛季后,1994年10月6日,他以受限制球员身份重新回到新泽西篮网队。1995年,正式退役。职业生涯总共拿到12,260分和5,175次助攻。


1987年,西区半决赛,勇士对战洛杉矶湖人队(Los Angeles Lakers),他们连输三场,但就是在5月10日的第四场比赛,弗洛伊德最后一节拿到了29分,而下半场他一共拿到39分,这都是NBA季后赛纪录。在第四节弗洛伊德连续命中了12球,最终终场拿到51分,率领勇士队拿下了这场比赛。